Circus SE announces an initial outlook for 2024, current developments in the ongoing financial year, and preliminary figures for the past financial year 2023.

As planned, the core operating business is still in the development phase. Major investments were made both in the establishment of Circus Robotics and in the further development of the Circus operating system (Circus OS). Revenue has so far been generated exclusively from the in-house operation of test kitchens for the validation of developed technologies and processes. Accordingly, no revenue has yet been generated from the commercialization of the technology. According to preliminary figures, a negative EBITDA of EUR 11 - 13 million is expected for the 2023 financial year with revenue of EUR 1.1 million (all figures are based on a pro forma analysis in which the new holding company Circus SE and the operating subsidiary Circus Kitchens GmbH are included for the full financial year and Circus Robotics GmbH, which was acquired in August 2023, is only included from this acquisition date).

As in 2023, the 2024 financial year will also be characterized by further technological developments and preparations for series production, meaning that a negative EBITDA is also expected for 2024. A key factor for the company's further development will be to secure contracts to generate revenue from the commercialization of its technology. The company is currently in advanced talks with potential customers who initially want to test the company's technology and have a basic need for quantities in the four-digit range. If these promising negotiations on potentially large-volume customer contracts are successfully concluded, revenues are expected from 2025 onwards according to current planning.

Notifying Person:

Nikolas Bullwinkel

Investor Relations Contact:

Maximilian Hartweg
Head of Corporate Development

Press Contact:

Katharina Heller